After creating a concept drawing for the puppet, I built a wire armature that corresponded to the proportions of the drawing, denoting where the joints of the puppet should be left exposed.

After creating the armature, I began building the body of the puppet using flower clay, which is air dry that retains flexibility after hardening. I then used air dry clay to sculpt the skull and finer details of the puppet

Hand Mechanics

In order to be able to change the clothes on the puppet, I wanted the hands and feet to be removable. I started by creating a wire armature built on a screw, then embedded a bolt in the clay of the wrist. This allows the hands and feet to be screwed on and off independently.

Prop Construction
Coffin prop created for the puppet by building a base out of cardstock, then cutting individual wooden slats out of foam. I created wood grain by carving into the surface of the foam, then made a weathering effect with highlight and shadow to replicate the appearance of old wood.